Colorado has been on my mind for other reasons as well. Unfortunately the extreme dry weather has been relentless over the past couple years there, and areas familiar to me have been effected in devastating ways. The Royal Gorge, which I visited as a child, suffered much wildfire damage last week. Areas around the bridge burned steadily, leaving parts of the bridge singed. The fire is being contained at this point, but it hurts to think of such a beautiful and rugged place being so vulnerable.
I am thankful that Colorado Springs has been relatively safe so far this summer, though last summer it was hit hard by a horrendous fire that I only saw pictures of. It sounds cliche to say that disasters make you appreciate your beloved people and places more, but it's true.
Through all this, I have noticed art and design certainly can play a role in helping people cope, show support, and reach out during disasters. I have noticed many new graphics pop up across social media to bring attention to the situation in Colorado. While many of them made me smile and feel a sense of solidarity, others made me cringe a little bit. I'll share a some with you: